
May 10, 2016

Free at last!

This is a fantastic day! The Ladytree, Sølund's old ginkgo have finally been liberated of the more than forty year old ivy, in a choke-hold that threatened to encapsulate the tree. Several arborists on the scene concurred that we had a max. of two years left, before the old tree would have withered and subsequently been felled.

Five men worked non-stop for a full day, peeling away decades of tentacles, to uncover the most amazing tree. What a present!

It turned out that there were no active birds nests, only two old crows nests in the crown. Neighbors stopping by said that there had been no bird song from there, for a long time. There are those who have been attached to the old ivy, saying it could easily have stayed put. None of which have been arborists. Those who make a living protecting and preserving trees, have unanimously expressed endless gratitude that the ivy is finally gone.

A heartfelt thank you to Morten & Rødderne and the friends from I.Climb, for the great gift to Copenhagen, the citizens and Save the Urban Trees.

Pictures from the big day.


 The ivy.


The ivy went into a wood chipper, and will be composted. A part of the free soil available to all on the recycling stations, when that time comes.

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