
December 31, 2016

Thank you for an amazing tree year

A heartfelt thank you to all for an amazing year in trees. As usual, here is a small recap of what we achieved in 2016 and what we have to fight for next year.

The Ladytree and the old beech.
We won the fight for the two old trees on the Sølund premises. This was possible because both the winner of the competition and the developer acknowledged just how important the trees are to the city. The dinosaurs of architecture in the competition lost, by reason of being outmoded. An incredibly positive development!

The liberation of the Ladytree.
Following the rescue, we had a great gift, as a team of arborists volunteered to liberate the old ginkgo, our Ladytree, of the suffocating ivy. Another miracle.

Disaster averted.
2016 was the year where many citizens and businesses wrote their first hearing reply, for the small urban forest on the corner by the Natural History Museum. A forest completely shaved down on the architect's rendition. This made a huge difference in the local plan, where the City stated that all trees on the corner must be preserved in the new design.

This year also marked the end of a three-year long and intense fight for the Møllegade trees. The final outcome was that we managed to save the big corner tree, and that the project went from grey to green, with much more young trees.

And last but not least, Copenhagen finally got its first tree policy. That's a big one!

What's up for next year?
Tree map.
We need a tree map, there is no postponing it any longer. New York City just mapped all of their street trees, with the help of citizens. A tree map is an indispensable tool, we just have to make it happen. Maybe a project we can do in collaboration with the municipality?

The prep-team.
So many trees are killed in the construction phase. They enjoy insufficient protection, if any, and many sustain damages that will end up killing them over time. This can be avoided by prepping the trees before construction begins. We have suggested that the City creates a prep-team. This concept could be tested in the coming year.

Finally we need to find a way to develop our citizens group, so more of you can participate actively in the fight for the urban trees. We'll talk more about this next year.

Happy New Year!

December 29, 2016

Save the Urban Trees in CityLab

Our citizens movement is on CityLab today. We are talking about greedy real estate developers, our tree policy and our beautiful trees. Very cool piece, what a happy day.

Meget fin omtale af vores borgerbevægelse, i CityLab i dag. Om grådige bygherrer, træpolitik og vores dejlige træer.

Read it here.

December 24, 2016

A Christmas miracle!

The Christmas present for Save the Urban Trees is no less than a miracle: our citizens movement has spread to Aarhus in Jutland, where they are faced with similar problems as Copenhagen. Urban trees are an endangered lot, in urgent need of the citizens help. We must keep an eye on our trees, report impending danger and fight for their preservation and decent growth conditions.

Save the Urban Trees Aarhus (Red Byens Træer Aarhus) is on Facebook, and like us have a mirror blog (in Danish), so people on the other side of the fence can keep up. Now we just have to spread the word and let our Jutlandic friends know that we have moved closer.

Merry Christmas everyone.

December 17, 2016

New York City's Street Tree Map

New York City is kicking *ss, at the moment. Once they decided to plant a million trees, they followed through. No procrastination here. And now they just launched the tree map we are dreaming about: Open Tree Map.

In a joint effort between the city and the citizens all the city's street trees have been mapped. And, with the built-in itree software, both the economical and environmental benefits are counted with great accuracy. Counting among other things the absorption of rainwater, filtering of pollution and the reduction of CO2.

Measuring the benefits of trees is so important! It is only once they are visible and have a registered, measurable value that they can be counted on the same level as the rest of the infrastructure. With a clear value it is harder to neglect, abuse and fell street trees without serious consequences.

In the coming year we will fight to make our trees count. Now that the tree policy is in place, the time has come for Copenhagen to get its own tree map. Full steam ahead!
 Screendump from Archdaily..
