
October 25, 2019

Copenhagen's Tree Musketeers

The urban trees get a helping hand from Mikael Colville-Andersen of The Life-Sized City. A full hour of listening on the urban podcast, about the urban trees of Copenhagen. And in time to include the impressive zero for the urban trees in Budget 2020.

It is in English, which is actually the best thing for the trees. For the world to see exactly how poorly we are treating our beautiful city.

Have a fantastic weekend. ♥

October 3, 2019

Budget 2020, Copenhagen

They sure know how to throw the word "green" around, but it is blacker than ever. Not only did they set aside zero for the urban nature, they have now invested directly agaist it.

They know how severe the situation is, they just don't care. At all.

 0,5 million dkr to shut down the city's own tree nursery.
6,3 million dkr for streamlining green care and cleaning.