
March 21, 2018

Jubilee on Blegdamsvej

Today we celebrate a jubilee of the three first street trees in the city's road work on Blegdamsvej.  It has been exactly one month since they had their vital roots cut, and they have since been left exposed under a layer of plastic. This is the equivalent of killing the trees. Roots so close to the tree must not be cut. And exposed roots need to stay moist, if you can't provide soil immediately. This is common knowledge by anyone who works with trees.

There are plenty of strong and dedicated people in the city, who know about trees. But they are obviously not consulted during planning and coordination, and they are not present during roadwork near trees. It is an administrative disaster! If the city administration don't see a problem here, they are a part of it.

Dressed for the occasion, ready for execution. Same tree in 2013, mentioned here.

This is the tree that was hit by a truck in 2016. Left unattended for six weeks and plenty of desperate pleas for help, before they cut the wound clean. By that time someone pulled the branch from below, increasing the damage.

Same project in the opposite end of Blegdamsvej. The area below the crown of the tree cannot under any circumstances be used for storing heavy concrete and equipment. The soil suffers compression, the roots are deprived of oxygen and the branches die.

On the bright side they seem to have found a gentler way to remove the stone, with minimal disturbance to the roots in the too small plant beds. Maybe making noise really does make a difference?

The jubilarians. I asked one of the bricklayers when they planned to give the trees soil? "I don't know... when we are done?"

March 5, 2018

Amber alert on Islands Brygge

Tomorrow TMU decides if funds will be granted to fell the ENTIRE cherry avenue on Islands Brygge. A mad plan from the administration, who have offered the trees living conditions so poor that 14 of them over time have died and been felled. They now wish to fell the remaining 131 trees: 122 cherry trees (about 20 years old), 4 rowans, 4 poplar trees and the big chestnut on the corner.

None of the trees are sick, but they have been subjected to poor living conditions which is reflected in their growth. Last year the city added another layer of compacted gravel, all the way up to the trunks, which among other things robs the trees of water. And recently the city itself increased heavy traffic on the roots, which makes it even harder for the young trees to thrive.

Rather than improving the living conditions and adjust their own behavior, the administration prefers to fell all and start from scratch with a new avenue. This goes against the new Tree Policy stating that trees "only be felled where absolutely necessary" and that "ensures good living conditions for existing trees".

The proposal hides in a bigger plan to renovate and improve the Harbour Park. Miraculously, the local council Islands Brygges Lokalråd discovered it in the nick of time, and this buys the citizens exactly one day to stop it. The decision is made tomorrow.

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