
December 20, 2017


The City of Copenhagen just announced that it will replace salt with the tree friendly alternative caliumformiat, on three green bike routes. The attached map with the added routes show a significant widening of area, affecting a large amount of trees. As it will spare the groundwater, dogs paws, pavement, footwear and bikes. Next year another three years of data will be added to the rapport, and as such enforcing the push to prioritize caliumformiat.

What a fine parting gift from our outgoing mayor of trees, thank you.

Picture from City Hall where I just made it in time to say goodbye and thank you for the trees. And on my way out found a fantastic urban forest with a roof of seagulls.

The map (pdf)
A busted myth (city finally admitting that salt is harmful to trees)
Salt vs. caliumformiat, Save the Urban Trees 2017