
April 5, 2017

Sneak peek at Møllegade

The square on the corner of Møllegade and Guldbergsgade is almost ready. Thousands of citizens have fought for the trees we have left, at with that an addition of young trees, instead of the planned tile and gravel. We have lost an unbearable amount of old trees. A leaf mass and biodiversity that will not reappear at the same place in our lifetime. But with the many new trees one can only hope that the corner one day will become an oasis for the next generation of Copenhageners.

Møllegades beautiful harbinger of spring, the mirabelle tree, is abloom.

The swapping shed, where the three ash trees stood.

 The island in the center is for the new trees at the right of the picture.

The new, young ones. Fingers crossed they will feel at home here.

 A decent size. Welcome to Nørrebro. <3

The shed that just couldn't be moved back from the wall, to spare three ash trees.

Parts of the old wall have been preserved and made into benches. A good way to spare the trees. The less the soil around the trees are disturbed, the better.

It's spriiiiing!

Previous posts, two plus years of fighting for the Møllegade trees:

Read this and the posts above in Danish, on the mother blog here: Red Byens Træer.