We requested access to information in the case of Møllegade and Guldbergsgade, specifically concerning the health of the trees.
We requested the information to identify the problem, in order to prevent a similar unfortunate situation from arising again. We also wanted to see where it states that the trees are sick and a danger to people, but that information is nowhere to be found. It is also quite surprising that there are no health reports made for the trees, that is all gathered after the fact, when citizens request the information.
The city’s attorney asked that names of individuals were blacked out, we respect that, of course (thank you to Tom Manczak for technical assistance).
(My letter to the city)
We requested the information to identify the problem, in order to prevent a similar unfortunate situation from arising again. We also wanted to see where it states that the trees are sick and a danger to people, but that information is nowhere to be found. It is also quite surprising that there are no health reports made for the trees, that is all gathered after the fact, when citizens request the information.
The city’s attorney asked that names of individuals were blacked out, we respect that, of course (thank you to Tom Manczak for technical assistance).
(My letter to the city)
I hereby request access to information, under the freedom of information act, on the following:
The professional evaluation of all the trees on the new square by Møllegade and Guldbergsgade.
Health report of the trees.
Light on all circumstances regarding the decision to fell the trees, and names of those consulted in the case, and names of those who made the decision.
We have heard the trees referred to as: “in poor condition”, that the poplar trees are leaning against something, and that they have been damaged in a fire in a shed, and that trees are in risk of falling over. I would like to see the correspondence, the document and/or emails and relevant notes from phone conversations, where these descriptions are present.
I am looking forward to a reply within 10 days.
The professional evaluation of all the trees on the new square by Møllegade and Guldbergsgade.
Health report of the trees.
Light on all circumstances regarding the decision to fell the trees, and names of those consulted in the case, and names of those who made the decision.
We have heard the trees referred to as: “in poor condition”, that the poplar trees are leaning against something, and that they have been damaged in a fire in a shed, and that trees are in risk of falling over. I would like to see the correspondence, the document and/or emails and relevant notes from phone conversations, where these descriptions are present.
I am looking forward to a reply within 10 days.
Kind regards
Sandra Høj
Red Byens Træer
(Save the Urban Trees)
Sandra Høj
Red Byens Træer
(Save the Urban Trees)
The city then returned, asking for clarification on the exact documents we were requesting. Hard to say when you don’t know where the (mis-)information is hiding.
(My reply)
I understand the magnitude of my request. Ideally it would all fit in a single document. The reports about the trees have been unclear, at first they were referred to as in generally poor condition, and therefore not worth preserving. I would like to see the foundation for that assessment.
I am asking for everything because I don’t know where the information is stored, but to clarify that is what I am looking for: a health report on the trees, where it states that they are unstable, leaning on things, have fire damages and suffering from balding canopies. Some of the things that have been constantly referred to.
Since we first started asking about the condition of the trees, the story has changed, now we are looking at eight trees deemed worthy of preservation. This number is referred to in a note to the T&M Mayor, document 2015-0109024-1.
There have also been references to an external evaluation of the trees. I would like to see that report. The department has also had their own staff inspect the trees, I would like to see their report as well.
I hope this simplifies the task. It is not my intention to waste the department’s time, more than anything I would like to see it spent preserving our trees.
Kind regards
Sandra Høj
Red Byens Træer
(Save the Urban Trees)
Quick and clear response followed.
(City writes)
As I understand your mail, you are requesting access to:
Documents shedding light on the foundation for assessing the health of the trees.
Health report of the trees
External assessement fo the trees, and report.
Departments own notes on the trees.
If you can confirm this, I will asap look into what is available, and how much I can give you access to.
(And then came the information)
Dear Sandra Høj.
Hereby in reply to your request for access to information in mail of June 22th and June 30th.
Request pertaining to following documents/information:
Documents shedding light on the foundation for assessing the health of the trees.
Health report of the trees.
External assessment of the trees, and report.
If you can confirm this, I will asap look into what is available, and how much I can give you access to.
(And then came the information)
Dear Sandra Høj.
Hereby in reply to your request for access to information in mail of June 22th and June 30th.
Request pertaining to following documents/information:
Documents shedding light on the foundation for assessing the health of the trees.
Health report of the trees.
External assessment of the trees, and report.
Departments own notes on the trees.
Re. 1.
In the case the following documents shed light on the assessment of the health of the trees:
Document no. 2014-0035121-02 Hearing on City of the Elderly, Fælledparken and Guldbergshave 2 stage, September 2014.
Designation of trees worth preserving - City of the Elderly by Møllegade and the Recycling Centre May 2013.
Trees in local plans - general rules for appointing trees worth preserving.
Document no. 2014-0035121-04 Hearing on City of the Elderly, May 2015
Re. 2.
There are no health report made for the trees on this project.
Re. 3.
The following external evaluation of the trees:
Mail from the technical advisor of the project, June 24th 2015
Re. 4.
The departments comments on the trees are found in the hearing replies (Same as in Re.1)
Document no. 2014-0035121-02 Hearing on City of the Elderly, Fælledparken and Guldbergshave 2 stage, September 2014.
Document no. 2014-0035121-04 Hearing on City of the Elderly, May 2015
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me again.
(Below the attached four documents from the city. Two Hearing replies, one email and “Trees in Local Planning”, all in Danish. If you need help translating these documents, let us know.)
In the case the following documents shed light on the assessment of the health of the trees:
Document no. 2014-0035121-02 Hearing on City of the Elderly, Fælledparken and Guldbergshave 2 stage, September 2014.
Designation of trees worth preserving - City of the Elderly by Møllegade and the Recycling Centre May 2013.
Trees in local plans - general rules for appointing trees worth preserving.
Document no. 2014-0035121-04 Hearing on City of the Elderly, May 2015
Re. 2.
There are no health report made for the trees on this project.
Re. 3.
The following external evaluation of the trees:
Mail from the technical advisor of the project, June 24th 2015
Re. 4.
The departments comments on the trees are found in the hearing replies (Same as in Re.1)
Document no. 2014-0035121-02 Hearing on City of the Elderly, Fælledparken and Guldbergshave 2 stage, September 2014.
Document no. 2014-0035121-04 Hearing on City of the Elderly, May 2015
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me again.
(Below the attached four documents from the city. Two Hearing replies, one email and “Trees in Local Planning”, all in Danish. If you need help translating these documents, let us know.)
CUA = Center for Udførelse af Anlæg. / Center for execution of development
CNA = Center for Nye Anlægsprogrammer / Center for development
BF = Byens Fysik. / City physics
CUA = Center for Udførelse af Anlæg. / Center for execution of development
CNA = Center for Nye Anlægsprogrammer / Center for development
BF = Byens Fysik. / City physics
2014-0035121-4 Høringssvar til De Gamles by etape maj 2015 08 05 2015 docx 14438233_12614690_0 _3_
(Hearing reply for City of the Elderly, May 2015)
(Hearing reply for City of the Elderly, May 2015)
2014-0035121-2 Høringssvar Til de Gamles by Fælledparken Og Guldbergshav...
(Hearing reply for City of the Elderly, Fælledparken and Guldbergshave)
(Vertical, this one just wouldn’t turn)
The entire concept of making a square on top of a small urban forest, is a poor idea. Add to that, the necessary means are not set aside. You almost feel sorry for the project managers, assigned an impossible task that the locals don’t want and that no one really needs. Fingers crossed that the politicians will make the right decision, and settle for the changes already planned further up the road.
Links to previous posts on our fight for the Møllegade trees: